Saturday, March 5, 2016

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1

For this week's blog assignment I chose to use the alternate assignment for part 1 and have reached out to the World Forum Foundation,, to request information regarding international issues related to the field of early childhood education. I have also registered with the site and was able to watch a short pod cast by Ebenezer Lartey, the new World Forum National Representative from Ghana. Mr. Lartey explained on the podcast how very excited he is to be able to be the representative for his country and how he hopes to improve the lives of young children and their families within this new position. Unfortunately, with his heavy accent, the podcast was very difficult to understand. I was not able to access the World Forum Radio.

I then researched the Global Fund for Children website, This website describes what the organization is about, how to get involved, and also offers a variety of blog topics based on how the Global Fund has helped children around the world. I'm looking forward to accessing these blogs throughout this course and broadening my knowledge related to educational issues occurring around the world.

Part 2

For the second part of this blog assignment, I have selected The National Association for the Education of Young Children I chose this organization because I have found their position statements to be very helpful in the past. This organization is a resource that directly relates to my current work as a Speech Therapist working in Preschool Early Intervention. The position statements found on this website provide guidance to follow for implementing best practices in the field of early childhood.


  1. Hi Megan, your focus on what you are going to research is very interesting. I would love to more on what you discover at the Global Fund for Children website. All the best!

  2. Hello Megan,

    Reading your post made me very interested in the two sites above in part 1. I did not chose the alternative because I really want to have contact with the two countries I have contacted. They are Belize and Finland. Belize because it is where my family comes from and Finland because I have done research on them before. Mr. Lartey seems very dedicated and I will research him to learn more.
    Thanks for the post

  3. Megan,
    This is going to be quite interesting to learn from different countries and hearing from early childhood professionals around the world. I choose Belize and Jamaica. Belize because I aspire to visit one day. Jamaica because I have visited and am interested in learning more about their ECH programs. Best of luck to you with your research.

  4. This is such a great assignment I cannot wait to learn about other countries standings in the field. I choose South Korea because I had a visiting professor from there and she was amazing. By the way she spoke about the schools, students, and families over there I could not believe she came to teach over here even if it was only temporary.
