Friday, June 17, 2016

When I Think of Research……

  • What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?
Insights about research that I have gained during this course include understanding the different types of research, understanding how to read a research based journal article, and how to design a hypothetical research simulation.
  • In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
By learning about the different types of research and broadening my knowledge of how to conduct research it has helped me to see all the steps that go into the process. At first I was really overwhelmed when I looked at the assignments for this class. But by being able to take one step at a time through the process it has really helped me to tackle tasks which initially I thought I might not be able to figure out.
  • What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?
I learned that planning, designing and conducting research is very time consuming and at times overwhelming. However, despite these challenges research in early childhood is needed and can be very valuable.
  • What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them?
I found some of the terminology to be very challenging during this course. As I read chapters within our text book I found myself frequently and repeatedly looking up definitions of words that I did not understand or had a hard time applying.
  • What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?
When you look at conducting research within the early childhood field, it becomes evident how very complex the field really is. With its many layers and variables, early childhood professionals have to be able to recognize and juggle many different areas of development to ensure all of a child's needs are met.


I would also like to say thank you to all of you! It has been a pleasure sharing this experience with you and tackling research together! I have appreciated the comments and the insights you have shared throughout the duration of this course. Best of luck to each of you as you move one step closer to achieving your Master's Degree here at Walden.


  1. Hi Megan,
    Yes we did it and we did it together! This course has been challenging, overwhelming, time consuming, but very rewarding at the same time. We have learned a great deal and much has been accomplished. I definitely have a new found respect for those who are in the field of early childhood research. What we know about children's development, how they learn, and strategies for fostering their development and learning comes from research and it is not an easy task but very important to our field. Most of what we do in the classroom comes from research and where would we be without it. Best wishes in your future studies, in your career, and in life.

  2. Megan-
    WOO-HOO!! We did do it. I was feeling the same stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. But as you, I took this course week by week, assignment by assignment and guess what--we accomplished great things!! I have the upmost respect for researchers in our field. They are selfless and committed to making our field GREAT!! Research takes special people and as educators we gain so much from them! I appreciate your insights throughout this course and I wish you continued luck on the rest of your Master's program!!
    Heidi Law

  3. Megan-
    I agree that much of the terminology and content in this course was a challenge, but we have all worked hard and learned a lot! I have working in another course with you, and wish you good luck in your upcoming courses as well. Take care and congratulations on one more class finished!
    Julie Ringle

  4. Hi megan,

    I agree with the planning aspect of research. I did get a bit overwhelmed when I was first starting and didn't really know where to begin with it and it can be very time consuming, but then I realized that every part counts and is just as important as the next and the amount of impact the research can have is huge, when I got that in my head it wasn't so bad and as I learned going forward in the course it helped me when I learned the terms and steps needed to take. Thank you for sharing throughout the course I enjoyed learning and reading your posts and I wish you all the best in the future!

  5. Megan!
    I thought either I was having an off moment or something because I struggled with the vocabulary as well! A lot of the terms were new to me and I constantly had to re-read the definitions to ensure that I was getting the accurate meaning! I am glad to know that I was not alone with those feelings :-). I wish you all the luck in your future courses and with your career!
