Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Research that Benefits Children and Families

If I could implement an imaginary study that could potentially make a major positive contribution to the well-being of children and their families within the early childhood field I would focus on providing universal high quality preschool programs for all 3-5 year old children. There have been many studies done which have proven the effectiveness of quality early childhood care and education, yet it continues to be something that has a serious lack of funding in many states (including here in Pennsylvania). I would focus my study on making a comparison between the positive outcomes of children who attended universal high quality preschool compared to children who had no or low quality childcare/education prior to starting kindergarten. My hypothesis would be that children who had the opportunity to attend a universal high quality preschool will perform better in all areas of development including cognitive and social/emotional when compared to children who received little to no or low quality childcare/education at the end of their Kindergarten year. My hope would be that the study would help to fund the initiative for the implementation of universal high quality preschool for all children ages 3-5.


  1. I love your vision!! I have to say that I was on an Early Learning Committee last year and that was the ultimate goal we would like to achieve one day--universal preschool. There is so much research indicating that early childhood programs have a positive effect on all children, but unfortunately not all children and families have access to any programs let alone high quality ones. It is sad that the funding just isn't there. But, if one day you can conduct your dream research you may have a huge impact on getting that change made!! Don't lose sight of that vision!!

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  3. Megan-
    What a great topic idea: universal preschool access. It still boggles my mind that this is such an issue in our country, despite the research that shows both the short-term and long-term benefits from developmental to economical. I think highlighting this information as you mentioned and sharing the array of developmental benefits to young children is a great approach to reach those who are still unaware of, or downplay this information.
    Julie Ringle

  4. Hi,

    I love the idea of providing universal preschool access to children and doing a study on how effective it is in comparison to low quality programs. This would definitely open the eyes of a lot of people in education and make them want to help and contrubute to such programs to help make universal preschool access funded and available to children all over!
